Wine Tasting Week will take place in Japan from May 21st to 28th 2018. This international event has been organized by Federdoc (Confederazione Nazionale dei Consorzi Volontari per la Tutela delle Denominazioni di Origine) and answers to these (and more) questions: How do I pair particular wines? What are the systems that guarantee the traceability and inspection of Italian wines with Geographical Indication? What is the correct way to taste wine? To find out more, pick up your free information booklet during the Wine Tasting Week from any of the restaurants listed below.
A selection of 13 Italian restaurants will host your lunch, happy hour, and dinner. During the evening a booklet including all the necessary information about Italian wines with Geographical Indication will be distributed. The booklet contains maps to determine the areas from which wines originate, the categories that classify the wines, the correct way to interpret and read wine labels, and many other interesting facts on how to recognize every wine unique characteristics.
During the Wine Tasting Week, on May 23rd, a tasting seminar on Italian wines with a Designation of Origin dedicated to the Ho.re.ca. Operators will take place at the Osteria Splendido in Tokyo.
Affiliated restaurants:
Acqua Pazza
Address: 東京都港区南青山2-27-18 AOYAMA M's TOWER(青山エムズタワー)パサージュ青山2F
Bar & Enoteca Implicito and Osteria Splendido
Address: 〒150-0011 - 東京都渋谷区東4-6-3 Belle Air 1F
Vineria HIRANO
Address: 東京都渋谷区千駄ヶ谷2-5-5 ウィルコート1F
Vino della Pace
Address: 東京都港区西麻布4-2-6 菱和ビル西側 1F
Osteria il Batticuore
Address: 〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿1-4-13
Il Profumo
Address: 〒103-0013 東京都中央区日本橋人形町2-33-4
La Sosta
Address: 白金台5丁目13-14-B1F Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Italia wine ABE
Address: 井の頭3-31-1 井の頭レジデンス一階 Mitaka
La Tenda Rossa
Address: 神奈川県横浜市中区太田町6-75 関内北原不動産ビル1F
La Via del Sale
Address: 〒355-0006 埼玉県東松山市市ノ川773-1
Vineria NAGANO FdT
Address: 長野県長野市南千歳860-4 懐石舎ビル 2F
Address: 福島県福島市大町2-2
La vineria bravura
Address: 大阪府大阪市中央区淡路町3丁目6-3 御堂筋MTRビルB1階 Osaka